Wednesday, March 31, 2010

saving lives.

i think promise rings are overrated. if a guy is willing to commit like that, why wouldn't he just ask you to marry him? why prolong what he basically says is going to happen with a promise ring.

i promise to promise you that i'll someday get married to you.

bull shit! first off. men's promises don't mean anything. unless it's your gay best friend, i would never trust a guy until he proves himself trustworthy. my friend got a promise ring from her boyfriend last year.. an update: she isn't with him anymore (what a promise) and i now have the ring. (i have a fettish with shiny things)

bottom line is. promises are stupid if they don't mean anything.. no. scratch that. all promises are stupid. if you want to have a secret kept between two people then you have to pinky promise. bc those are ligit.
and if you break them. there's a 100% possibility that you're going to hell. :)

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