Monday, January 2, 2012


the goddess of strength&well-being.

her hair flow well past her shoulders. framing her beauty of a face. her big, cute cheeks mirror her soft nose -which, unbeknownst to most is very squishy. her head is set on strong shoulders, set on strong legs, set on stable feet. i've never once seen her stumble.. mentally speaking.
she's got the looks every girls dreams of and the personality anyone longs for. her kindness mixes with a great sense of humor. her will to side with the underdog mixes with her semi-strong but steady confidence. her determination to become whoever she wants to be mixes with her individuality. she's never been one to make a fight, however she's the world's strongest fighter i know.
she may fear her burdens but she never lets it show. she amazes everyone with her constant smile either chosen to be on her face, or painted there -know one knows unless you're one of the few lucky people she opens up too. happiness seems to be her only language, however we all know this to be untrue because everyone has their days. however, she's looked up to bc she never lets anyone see her down.
maybe in the confines of her own room she let's it out. maybe in a park, on a bench, when know one is watching. perhaps, she goes inside a bathroom full of stalls and puts her feet up, trying to become invisible. or maybe she tells a close friend. nobody knows.
all anyone knows is their adoration for the goddess of strength&well-being. alltho no one expresses it, but this is not because they are too shy, or too stubborn. it is simply because this particular goddess has no idea, in the slightest, that she is even a goddess. she has no idea that in the eyes of so many is her image.
perhaps, someone will tell her someday. at sometime. in someplace. perhaps, that someone will be a stranger, or a friend, or maybe, a sister. perhaps, that day will be today, this very hour, this very moment. perhaps, the goddess deserves to know how people view her, a particular person especially. and perhaps this particular person wants her to know that she's been everything that she wants to be. and maybe, just maybe, this goddess of strength&well-being will teach her someday..

lesson #1: under no circumstances are you to bend or break from the weight of the world. hold your head high. look straight ahead. and shine, shine with such confidence that people believe you are untouchable.


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